Channel Islands Chapter
Education: Ormond Pointe Nursery
Ormond Pointe Teaching Nursery
A few CNPS Channel Islands Chapter volunteers have developed a school outreach program teaching school children how to grow native plants and restore coastal habitats using the plants they help grow.   Trisha Munro and Nancy Pedersen, Master Gardner, convinced the City of Oxnard to use part of the city's land at Ormond Beach as a teaching and restoration site.   The site is a weedy coastal wetlands/dune site at Ormond Beach (south Oxnard) that has been neglected by all until 2007.   CNPS received a grant from the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project to reimburse CNPS's costs for the project, which includes: nursery materials, building supplies for the nursery, an interpretive kiosk, planting tools, and school bus transportion for students from several local schools.   This project has and is giving many students an opporuntity to play in the dirt and benefiting the environment and learning about native plants and habitat restoration.

Where is it?

The nursery and restoration site is located in Ormond Beach, bounded by Perkins Road to the East, the fence line of Oxnard's wastewater treatment plant to the North, a parking lot at the end of Perkins Road to the South, and the boundary to the West is the City of Port Hueneme.

Click here for a Google map of the site (showing the wastewater treatment plant next door).

Site History
The Ormond Pointe Nursery and Restoration site is is an area that has been used as a dumpsite for asphalt, concrete and landscaping waste, primarily by the City.   It was once part of the extensive dune and coastal wetland complex that historically extended from San Buenaventura to Point Mugu, with only remnant left today.   It has several habitats, including a salt pan, a small riparian area, and upland dune areas.   It has non-native trees and grasses.   Trisha & her husband Rick Burgess have done an inventory of the plants on this site.   This has enabled CNPS to know what invasive plants need to be remove and what native plants can be built on to restore the land to something more like was there before the abuse.   Our area was once part of the larger Ormond Beach wetlands and once restored will show visitors what the area once looked like and how the larger area will look once restored.   The restoration plan for Ormond is on-going.   Our project is limited in size and so will be able to be completed in a much shorter length of time.   CNPS is restoring one acre sections at a time so progress can be seen and appreciated.

This page still under construction.   For more information, call Trisha Munro at 805/983-1312.

Special thanks to Carlin Moyer for the beautiful illustrations on our site.

Last updated: 7 November 2008
For website comments: webmaster(at)cnpsci(dot)org