Lichens of Elsewhere
10 October 2005
Lichens are a unique and very interesting form of "plant" life, actually a combination of lichenizing fungi and an algal photobiont. Lichens come in three basic forms: crustose (like a crust), foliose (leaf-like), and fruticose (shrub-like, but in miniature). Taxonomy of lichens is very interesting, based primarily on the types of chemical compounds form by the lichen, mostly acids. Identification for many species requires chemical tests and examination of tiny spores, making field identification next to impossible for many species, particularly the crustose species.
Below are some information and photographs of various lichens, almost all unidentified at this point, that occur beyond Ventura County. They range in color wildly, and contribute to the biodiversity. Some photos will have more than one lichen species, so look carefully.
All photos copyrighted by David L. Magney 2003-2005
This page was last updated on 10 October 2005
Crustose Lichen Photos [under construction]
Foliose Lichen Photos [under construction]
Fruticose Lichen Photos [under construction]
Location Map of Santa Monica Mountains
Selected Lichens of the Santa Monica Mountains, near Deals Flat
Name these lichens, please.
At least three crustose and one foliose lichens on a conglomerate boulder in the midst of Chamise Chaparral, representing saxicolous (rock substrate) species.
Look closely and a chocolate-brown crustose lichen (Acarospora sp.) can be seen around the pale green foliose lichen (Xanthoparmelia cf cumberlandia).
Closer view of Xanthoparmelia cf cumberlandia (foliose) lichen and the chartruse Acarospora socialis crust. The gray lichen is a species of Aspicilia.
The gray crustose lichen with a distinct black edge is a species of Aspicilia.
Closer view of the Aspicilia.
Another lichen-covered boulder with Xanthoparmelia, the Aspicilia species, and a moss.
Terricolous (soil substrate) crustose lichens protected by boulders.
Looking closely finds two terricolous (soil substrate) species visible, probably Trapelia involuta (the white one) and a Placidium or Endocarpum (the dark brown one).
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